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  • What are points?

    Hobby Search Points are store credit system we offer as an incentive for customers to purchase from us.
    Whenever you purchase from us, you will receive Hobby Search Points for amount depending on your purchase cost.
    1 Hobby Search Point is equivalent to 1 yen (JPY),
    and you can use the points you accumulated to discount from any order
    after your first one, so it is a very convenient system.

  • Timing Hobby Search Points are awarded

    The Hobby Search Points will be added to your account after you receive the notice of shipment.
    You can check the amount of points you currently have from the top of your account page.

  • How to use points

    If you want to use the Hobby Search Points you have, please select the "Point Usage" option
    on the order form when you place your order.
    Once an order with "Point Usage" option selected is prepared for shipment and ready to be charged,
    all points you have in your account will be used on that order.
    You cannot specify how much points are to be used, but if you have more points than your order cost,
    the remainder will stay in your account for you to use on your future orders.
    Please note that the points will be deducted from your order cost at the time your order is
    prepared and charged, so the point discount will not be shown on your order form or
    order confirmation mail.

Hobby Search Points Calculation

Hobby Search Point return rate and use examples
For most items, you will be rewarded 1% of the product cost as points to your account.
For example, if you purchase an item of 9,000yen, you will be rewarded 90points.

1. Example of Points Gained
eg. Product Cost 9,000yen x 1% (Point Return Rate) = 90 Hobby Search Points gained.
note: 1 Point = 1 yen (JPY)
note: You will not be rewarded points for the shipping cost or discounted costs etc.

2. Example of Points Used
eg. If you purchase a 6,000yen product and choose to use 90points
Product Cost 6,000yen - 90pts = 5,910yen
Total Order cost = 5,910yen + shipping fee
Points of Caution for using Hobby Search Points
* Hobby Search Points can only be used to discount from the product cost.
You cannot use Hobby Search Points to reduce shipping cost.
* If you have more Hobby Search Points than your order product cost, the maximum amount of
points usable is the product cost. So you will always need to pay shipping cost.
Any remaining points can be used for your future purchases.

Expiry of Hobby Search Points

Your Hobby Search Points are valid for up to one year from your most recent shipment.
eg. If you placed an order on the 25th Dec. 2024 and your order is shipped on
the 15th Jan. 2025, your points will be valid until 15th January 2026.
Please be noted that any points rewarded for giveaway campaign etc. may expire earlier whereas specified.