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U.S.Navy Aircraft Carrier CV-2 Lexington 1942 (Plastic model)

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Series:Sky Wave
Release Date : Early Aug., 2014
JAN code : 4986470017327
Item code:W167
U.S.Navy Aircraft Carrier CV-2 Lexington 1942 (Plastic model)
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PackageU.S.Navy Aircraft Carrier CV-2 Lexington 1942 (Plastic model) Package1
Item pictureU.S.Navy Aircraft Carrier CV-2 Lexington 1942 (Plastic model) Item picture1U.S.Navy Aircraft Carrier CV-2 Lexington 1942 (Plastic model) Item picture2U.S.Navy Aircraft Carrier CV-2 Lexington 1942 (Plastic model) Item picture3U.S.Navy Aircraft Carrier CV-2 Lexington 1942 (Plastic model) Item picture4U.S.Navy Aircraft Carrier CV-2 Lexington 1942 (Plastic model) Item picture5U.S.Navy Aircraft Carrier CV-2 Lexington 1942 (Plastic model) Item picture6
Other pictureU.S.Navy Aircraft Carrier CV-2 Lexington 1942 (Plastic model) Other picture1
ContentsU.S.Navy Aircraft Carrier CV-2 Lexington 1942 (Plastic model) Contents1U.S.Navy Aircraft Carrier CV-2 Lexington 1942 (Plastic model) Contents2U.S.Navy Aircraft Carrier CV-2 Lexington 1942 (Plastic model) Contents3U.S.Navy Aircraft Carrier CV-2 Lexington 1942 (Plastic model) Contents4U.S.Navy Aircraft Carrier CV-2 Lexington 1942 (Plastic model) Contents5
About itemU.S.Navy Aircraft Carrier CV-2 Lexington 1942 (Plastic model) About item1
ColorU.S.Navy Aircraft Carrier CV-2 Lexington 1942 (Plastic model) Color1U.S.Navy Aircraft Carrier CV-2 Lexington 1942 (Plastic model) Color2
Assembly guideU.S.Navy Aircraft Carrier CV-2 Lexington 1942 (Plastic model) Assembly guide1U.S.Navy Aircraft Carrier CV-2 Lexington 1942 (Plastic model) Assembly guide2U.S.Navy Aircraft Carrier CV-2 Lexington 1942 (Plastic model) Assembly guide3U.S.Navy Aircraft Carrier CV-2 Lexington 1942 (Plastic model) Assembly guide4U.S.Navy Aircraft Carrier CV-2 Lexington 1942 (Plastic model) Assembly guide5U.S.Navy Aircraft Carrier CV-2 Lexington 1942 (Plastic model) Assembly guide6U.S.Navy Aircraft Carrier CV-2 Lexington 1942 (Plastic model) Assembly guide7See more...
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- CV-2 [Lexington] is the aircraft carrier was built in the second in the United States Navy continues to CV-1 [Langley]. 36 centimeter gun equipped with 10 gates initially, this ship was planned as 35 knots Speed \u200b\u200b[Constellation] class battle cruiser, but because the number of seats of the cruiser and battleship has been limited by the provisions of the Washington Treaty, In response to design changes in the middle along with the same type of ship [Saratoga], has been commissioned as a aircraft carrier in December 1927. This ship made his debut as an aircraft carrier imposing of 90 aircraft carrier-based aircraft 33 knots wastewater 33,000 t, flight deck length of 268m, Speed, and 8 Gate, 20cm gun. [Saratoga] of the Pearl Harbor attack with [Yorktown] grade three ships have escaped the [Lexington], contribute aircraft carrier in the Sachiotori] sunk in the Battle of the Coral Sea in 1942. However aircraft carrier [Shokaku]. Battle of the Coral Sea that sank in the line of fire of carrier-based aircraft that starting from [Zuikaku] was a showdown of aircraft carrier aircraft carrier versus the first ever himself.
- Kit has been restored to its 1942 anti-aircraft weapon enhancement after that Zo備 the 28mm4 twin machine gun, etc. to remove the 20cm gun.

- Etched parts are included fall prevention network, radar, of the funnel cap, etc.
- Comes with carrier-based aircraft: [12 aircraft F4F Wildcat ×] [12 SBD Dauntless aircraft ×] clear molding [6 aircraft TBD Devastator ×]
- You can be manufactured by selecting the Full Hull model and offshore model.
- One vessel into

( This is a machine translation. Please allow for possible misinterpretations in the text. )

Item Size/Weight : 42.3 x 18 x 5 cm / 483g
Explanation in Japanese

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U.S.Navy Aircraft Carrier CV-2 Lexington 1942 (Plastic model)
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